Ed4Career Blog

Take a Break and Boost Productivity

By Kris Powers | June 13th 2018

Items to help with time management and productivity

These breaks improve productivity and might help you go back to your current feeling refreshed. Give them a try!

Image of a desk with an alarm clock

Learn more about the importance of taking frequent breaks to allow your mind to recharge and improve motivation here.

Remembering Our Fallen Servicemembers

By Kris Powers | May 28th 2018

American Flag

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance, a time to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military

Improve your Skills

It’s never a bad idea to add onto your resume’s skill section. Whether you are currently looking for a new job opportunity or exploring professional development, online courses make it affordable and convenient to upskill on your own time.

How to Remain Teachable

By Kris Powers | May 16th 2018

Group of people sitting around drawing of large light bulb

Remaining teachable should be at the top of your personal and professional development goals. What does it mean to remain “teachable”? Learn more here!

How Technology has Changed the Face of Education

By Kris Powers | May 9th 2018

Image of multiple electronic devices

Technology has brought many benefits to the educational scene.

Don't be Busy - be Productive!

By Kris Powers | May 2nd 2018

Don't be busy, be productive!

In our quest to get things done, we sometimes confuse busyness with productivity. What is the difference? It’s easier to be busy and more difficult to be productive; as productivity requires focus, strategic thinking and big-picture planning.

The Beauty in Brainstorming

By Kris Powers | April 25th 2018

Diagram of the Brainstorming Process

Are you looking for a solution to a specific problem? Do you need to kick your creative side into gear? Brainstorming is an effective tool for situations where creative thinking and problem solving are required. Brainstorming can be done by an individual, or in a group, and both options have their benefits. The point of brainstorming, whether in a group or alone, is to get as many ideas out of your head in as little time possible. In the initial stages of brainstorming, you are technically “brain dumping”. You needn’t worry about linking like thoughts or having concern about redundancy of ideas or whether they are legitimate solutions. You will take the time to sort through the ideas and select which ones might be worth pursuing later.

In order to brainstorm as successfully as possible, it’s important to:

Is it Time to Refresh or Reset your Career?

By Kris Powers | April 18th 2018

Bulletin board with sticky note that reads "Fresh start this way"

Whatever leads you to the brink of change, taking the steps to refresh or reset your life can be daunting.

Understanding Adult Learners

By Kris Powers | April 11th 2018

Adult student working on laptop

In this article, we share a few adult learning principles.